UP-Beaver Stadium Renovation
West Metal Panels
Bid Date / Prevailing Time
Package Number
Pre-bid Date/Time
Pre-Bid Location
Pre-Bid Meeting
Recommended but not Mandatory
Company Name: Barton Malow AECOM Hunt Alexander
Contact Name: C.L. Cross
Phone: (954) 817-8150
Email: [email protected]
Project Description: FP, Curtin wall, and roofing
Bid through Building Connected.
Prequal Criteria: Bidders must fill out the prequalification form provided in Building Connected.
Building Connected Link: https://app.buildingconnected.com/projects/65d61c6c6e2bd200498ad3ba/bid-packages. Parties with interest must contact C.L. Cross to be invited to Building Connected at [email protected] or by phone at (954) 817-8150.
Document Cost
Document Distribution Method
Electronically by Building Connected
Anticipated Document Delivery